Monday, March 25, 2013

One Day at a Time

Hi there all my Bloggy friends, I thought it would be great to start a new Blog about writing.  I am exited to read all your poetry, short stories, and anythung inbetween.  As a writer myself I am always looking for new works of art. This Blog is also about recovery, I would not be here today if it was not for the people I have met un my life tha have loved me back to health.  I am very greatful and owe my life to them.  I have learned allot so for, but the one thing that is most important is that I have to give my recovery away to be able to keep it.  To share my expereince streangh and hope with others to be able to continue to be sober myself.  So, I am taking this opportunity to do exactly that, I want to be able to help other people who have, or are going though some hard times.   I am not a counsolor be no meens, but I do have two working ears, and use of all my fingers to be able to respond to anyone that just needs a friendly ear.  I hope that this Blog is usefule to at least one person, thats what its all about helping others.  And we all do it one day at a time.